Paving the





Goal: 100% renewable energy

Sustainable mobility

Relieved power grids

Our commitment to a sustainable future

Our mission

Our mission is to enable the transition to a low-carbon economy and electromobility.

Our promise

We want to improve the quality of life in cities by expanding the urban charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

Our vision

We envision city-wide charging networks where all e-cars can be charged with renewable energy and minimal intervention in the local power grid.

"We believe that electric mobility is the key to climate-friendly mobility and innovation worldwide."

Maurice Neligan, CEO JOLT

A future that is electrified

Liveable cities

Switching to e-mobility brings significant benefits - especially in urban areas - such as noise reduction, cleaner air, and smart, digitalised city centres.

Less air and noise pollution

Electric cars offer a cleaner and quieter solution for urban transportation systems. They can make an important contribution to reducing pollutant emissions.

Battery-backed high power charging

Combining charging stations and battery storage, we will revolutionise how we use renewable energy sources in the transport sector.

Fast charging is the new refueling

Relieving the strain on power grids

JOLT chargers can be easily integrated into urban areas. They offer reliable and fast charging processes and relieve the strain on our electricity grids without needing costly grid extensions.

Charging with 100% renewable energy

We want to supply our charging network with 100% renewable energy. Our aim is to reduce CO₂ emissions and make green electricity usable as the fuel of the future.

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Get to know the JOLT team

Innovation is the engine that drives our team. We continuously strive to find new ways to solve problems and create added value.